Build the Box2D in Ubuntu 15.04
I want to compile the Box2D physics engine by Ubuntu 15.04. But it has many problems. This document describes how to build Testbed from the source code for Ubuntu 15.04. Fetch Box2D sources code from Google-code by svn. svn checkout http :// Read v2.3.1/Box2D/Building.txt first. Download premake4.4-beta5(beta) from premake's web. Install libglfw3* by apt-get or things like that. v2.3.1/Box2D$ premake4 gmake edit v2.3.1/Box2D/Build/gmake/Testbed.make (Debug and Release) LIBS += $(LDDEPS) -lX11 -lGL -lGLU -lglut ↓ LIBS += $(LDDEPS) -lX11 -lGL -lGLU -lglut -lGLEW -lglfw -lXxf86vm -lpthread If you don't edit above, you'll get linking many errors. Linking Testbed obj/Debug/Testbed/RenderGL3.o: In function `sDrawPolygon(float const*, unsigned ...