How to preview nif file on the ubuntu.

Recently, skyrim-mod is very excited. I explain how to view the texture and mesh on the Ubuntu/Linux. The textures are .dds file and mesh are .nif file. These files are in a data/ folder and .bsa file(compressed)

1. Install NifScape
    Download *.rpm file from
    Convert *.rpm to *.deb and install it.
2 Extract vanila bsa and mod bsa.
     There are a lot of bsa tools. Use this tool with wine for example.
3 Run NifScape.
3 Set texture path  from Render>Setting... menu.
4 Load .nif file and convert it to .dae.
5 Import .dae with Blender 3D. The texture-uv will be imported. But, you must set *.dds of texture file manually. (Note:* is normal, _m means emit.)

e.g. Oblivion's mesh.
Blender 2.68a and Ubuntu 13.04

6 Now, let's create the mod on the Linux. Enjoy!

If you want to preview *.dds in nautilus.(Thumb nail) , Click here!




ZOOM RhythmTrak RT-233 does not work.